Friday, May 27, 2011

Final Blog

This semester I have read 3012 pages and 9 books. I read mostly popular fiction. I read a lot of Romance novels. I discovered that I really like Catherine Clark's books. I have read two of her novels 3 of her novels this semester and I have just gotten a 4th from the library. I have also discovered a new series I like a lot called the Luxe by Anna Godbersen. I have just finished reading the second book in the series and it was really good. Before this class I would read a lot. I usually tried to read before going to bed. I read a lot of series. The characters are more developed. This summer I plan to read the Pretty Little Liars series. I read because I enjoy reading and getting lost in the story. I usually had no trouble meeting the page quota. It was easy for me to find books I wanted to read. A friend told me to read the immortals series and I tried to but I did not like the story line at all and there were ten books total and I found it hard to want to read the book so I did not stick with those books. All the other books I enjoyed a lot. The story lines where all interesting. I chose what I read mostly from recommendations from friends. Since they have read the books I could talk to them about the book. I am still the same reader I was from the beginning of the semester. I plan to read a lot during the summer because I have a lot more time to read because there would be no homework. I also find that I enjoy poetry more because I understand it better.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Luxe Pages 377-433

Henry invited Diana over to his greenhouse and hse went and spent the night there and on when she got home her room was organized and she knew it was Elizabeth who organized it and she now knows that Elizabeth knows about her and Henry. She is very mad at first but on her way over she see Henry and Diana and realizes that they do love each other and so she decides to fake her own death and she has Penelope help. They pretend that Elizabeth fell into the river and Penelope saw it all. Everyone is devistated. When preparing to go to the funerale Diana recieves a letter from Elizabeth telling her she is alive and that she is going to find Will and tells her that Henry is in love with her but look out for Penelope.

A very good book. Can't wiat to start reading Rumors the 2nd book in the series to see if people realized Elizabeth is alive. Does she find Will. What will happen to Lina. Do Henry and Diana end up together.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Luxe Pages 275-376

So Will did not acually stay he just wanted to say goodbye to Elizabeth. When Lina realized he left she went to his bedroom but found Elizabeth there and told her she knew her secret and Elizabeth threatend to fire her. When Elizabeth left Lina found a note that Will left for Elizabeth saying he went west and hopes to see her there soon. Also Henry tells Elizabeth that they should move the date of their wedding up and she agrees. Then Lina spills tea on Elizabeth and she gets fired. When she is leaving the house she runs into Penelope who gives her a ride to a hotel and in exchange for a lot of money she tells Penelope about Will and Elizabeth, and uses this information to threaten Elizabeth and tell her to meet her at her house Wednesday mourning. Meanwhile Lina decides she is going to become a society girl and she meets a boy named Tristen who takes her out drinking. She passes out and realizes that her first day out of work did not go as planned.

Okay this book is getting really good. Lina is deluded into thinking that Will will fall for her is she was rich. Penolpe thinks that if she stops the wedding Henry will marry her instead. Well I guess we will find out.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Luxe Pages 227-274

So Will decided to stay probably to win over Elizabeth. Lina finds out that the Hollands are in debt because her sister told her and she was there when Mrs. Holland told her daughters. Elizabeth was supposed to celebrate her engagement to Henry at a party but he did not show because Penelope enlisted her friend Bucks help. He made sure that Henry was completely drunk. Penelope is also starting to realize that Henry and Elizabeth do not want to marry each other.

Mabey Penelope will discover the truth. Also I really hope that Will can win over Elizabeth because they are perfect together, and also I think Diana would be perfect for henry because thry both do not like following the rules.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Poem Project Poems

Video: Heavy Summer Rain by Jane Kenyah
A Shadow on The Wall By Gottfried Benn
Girl Riding a Horse in a Field Of Sunflowers by David Allen Evans
The Swing by Robert Loouis Stevenson
Warm Summer Sun By Mark Twain
The Summer I Was Sixteen by Geraldine Connolly
The End of summer by Rachel Hadas
All Summer long by Carol Frost
Mid Summer by Robert Fitzgerald
Long Island Sound By Emma Lazarus


The Luxe Pages 179-226

The Luxe by Anna Godbersen is getting better and better. Henry has come over and asked for Elizabeth to go on a carrige ride with him, she doesn't want to beasue Will is the driver of the carrige. But she has to go anyway and brings Diana. When they are in the park Diana's hat gets blown away and Henry and her go chasing it. While they are away Will tells Elizabeth that he is going west and is leaving Friday and she is welcome to join her if she wishes. When she returns home she decides to tell her mother about Will but decides not to when she sees her selling one of their most valuble works of art. Then the next day Elizabeth goes to see Penelope and Penelope tells her there are not hard feelings but in reality she is scheming of a way to stop the marrige. We then go to Henry's point of view. He is at a horse race with his friend Teddy and he is dreading the marrige. And he also reveals to himself that he is in love with Diana.

Even is Penelope stops the wedding Henry will not come back to her because he has moved on to Diana. Also mabey Elizabeth faked her own death and instead went west with Will.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Luxe Pages 113-178

To start out Henry made out with Diana, and then Diana finds out he is engaged to her sister and now she hates him. Penelope still thinks tht Henry is going to marry her but at the dinner party his engagement to Elizabeth is revealed and she faints. The day after the engagement is in the papers and Lina decides to show Will. Will still doesn't know about the engagement, and he becomes really mad and depressed.

Elizabeth should have told Will right away and now he is hearing it from someone else. Henry does not love Elizabeth but he might love Diana becasue she is a party person just like he is.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday Respose 5/3

I have been reading the book Luxe and it is the first book in the series. So far I have been enjoying it very much. It is full of Love, Heartbreak, Betrayal, and Friendship.

The article about what it means to be a wired family shows a picture of all the family together but using technology and not interacting with each other. This is becoming more common. Everybody in their own cyberspace.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Luxe Pages 33-112

During these pages we meet a lot of new characters. First there is Penelope Hayes whose family just had the party. She is secretly dating Henry Schoonmaker who was supposed to marry Elizabeth on the day of the funerale. Also Henry's dad and his wife Isabelle De Ford. Also Will and Lina two of the servants of the Holland family. Penelope and Henry are not really in love but in love with the money involed, but they can't marry because Henry's dad says he has to marry someone like Elizebeth who is more respectable than Penelope, because he is going to be running for mayor. Lina and Will were friends with Elizabeth before she realized that they do not belong to the same social circle. Lina is in love with Will but she won't admit it to him. Later we find out that Elizabeth and Will are secretly seeing each other. Then Mrs. Holland tells Diana and Elizabeth that they are poor becaue of debt and they can only be saved by elizabeth marrying someone rich and so she agrees to marry Henry.

I do not think Will is going to take this very well. Also people are going to find out about the Hallands being poor. And also I wonder is Henry and Elizabeth do fall in love. Also the possibilities of Elizabeths killer keeps increasing.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Luxe Pages 1-32

My friend has wanted me to read this book for forever and so I decided I would. The book takes place in Manhattan in the year 1899. The book opens up with a Proloque where there is the funeral for Elizabeth Holland who is being buried on the day she was supposed to be married. lit social scene. She is also part of Manhattan's eThen chapter 1 starts out in the past in elizabeths view. She is at a party and her mother is making her dance with every eligable person. In Chapter 2 the book switches to Diana's view. She is eliabeths younger sister. She is the troble maker of the two and doesn't do what royalty should do.

So far it is a good book. I wonder who killed Elizabeth.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Banana Splitzville Pages 468-499

I have just finished reading Banana Splitzville by Catherine Clark. Courney went to a new years eve party and she made out with Tom becasue she was drunk and Dave was tehre. As a result Grant was mad at her and would not talk to her. Also later that week Tom told Courney he was stealing all the money and they told the princil of the school and Tom now has to repay all the money and do community service. Now Courney ist he president of student council and in order to throw the big student council party she has to raise money. She enlists her boss's help with selling smoothies and the profit will go towards the party. But she does not raise enough money but her grandparents tell her they will pay the rest. So the party went on. Also Grant started talking to her and they are now dating.

A great book can't wiat to read the sequel Rocky Road Trip and see if Grant and Courtney last.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Banana Splitzville Pages 418-467

Courtney's family got home saftly becasue the stom finaly lifted. Courtney finds out that Beth is dating her brother and they didn't tell her and so now she is mad at Beth. Also the store she works at is onpening up another store where Dave goes to college and her boss is making her work there. Also the studetn council money is going missing and people suspect Courtney becasue she is the newbie. Also Grant invites her to go skiing with him over Christmas break and she says no because of her no dating rule.

Courtney needs to forget about the no dating rule becasue Grant is perfect for her and it is obvious that he really likes her.

Wednesday response 4/27

My favorite blog is Black Coffee because the blog about the awkward childhood photos was pretty cool.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Banana Splitsville Pages 343-417

Courtney won student council and now she has to work with Tom the president of student council who has gone out with every girl in student council. But he ddoes not seem intersted in courney at all and it is making her mad. Also Dave and Courney have been hanging out a lot but theya re not going out and will not becasue apparently Dave has a girlfriend. Courney is mad at him now. Also she is mad at Grant becasue he is friends with Dave and he should have told her about his new girlfriend. Now she is at her grandparents for tahnksgiving and Tom is there too becasue Courtney's familys car was trapped in snow in the blizzard on the way there and Tom saw them and gave them a ride there and had to stay becasue of the bad weather.

I do not see why courtney is still obsessing over Dave becaue he has been mean and rude to her and she desearves better. Also I do not get why she is mad at Grant about Dave having a girlfriend. Anyway I am glad she won student council.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Banana Splitsville Pages 322-342

During thses pages Courney gave her speech for student council and her middle name was revealed which is Von Dragen. As a result everyone was making fun of her. Also Dave sent her a letter telling her he misses her. She deccides to go drive to his colledge but while doing so there isa storm and she can't drive through the storm because it is a bad storm. Her friend Beth thinks it is a sign saying that they should not be together.

I agree that they sould not be together. I also think that despite the fact her speech went badly she will win student council.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Banana Splitsville Pages259-321

Courtney a senior in high school has just been broken up by her long time boyfriend who is attending collage, and told her that long distace realationships do not work. Because of her emotional state Courtney decides to keep a diary which is how that stroy is told. Coyrtney decides to swear off of boys for her senior year becasue apparntly long distaces relationships do not work. She also works at a ice cream shop called Truth or Dariy. She is also a vegan. She does not follow her vegan diet very well sometimes. Already she has eaten two hotdogs because she was upset at her ex-boyfriend Dave. Then there is Grant one of Daves friends who seems to be everywhere Courtney is. Also Courtney has decided to run for vice president for the student council in order to forget about boys.

I think by the end of this book Courtney will not be a Vegan because she has already cheated. I also think that her no boys rule will be broken because that is impossible to keep.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday Response 4/19

The elegant and unique ceramic pots of a kangaroo and an elephant by Allison Thayer emphasizes the creativity and artistic talent it took to complete these art pieces. To create the subjects that she did take a lot of talent, because it is not easy to create a kangaroo or an elephant from clay. The chubby elephant created a beautiful piece of work. The Kangaroo has an excitement with the way the piece was done so well. Overall these two pieces of art are one of a kind and they are both very glamorous. The color was perfect for both of them, because it reflected the color of the actual animal. The shape of the pieces keeps they eye traveling. Both pieces of artwork are very charming.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Maine Squeeze Pages 221-255

During these last few pages Even came over to Collens house is it started storming. It was a really big storm. After the storm the island needed a lot of cleaning up to do so Colleen and her friends helped clean up because Bobb's was closed for the day becasue of the storm. Colleen also realizes that Evan is perfect for right now because she need nothing to serious. Then Colleen' parents call and say they are coming back early. Then Colleen and her friends start cleaning and fixing up the house, and that includes repainting the main bedroom. The book ends with Colleen and Evan going to pick up Colleen's parents at the airport.

Overall it was a great book.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Maine Squeeze Pages 203-220

Colleen discovers tht Evans girlfriend's name is Dahlia. He only just started seeing her. Then Colleen decides to have another party. But it is going to be samller thias time. Ben came to the party and Colleen talked with him but they are not going to get back togeter. Evan also came and Colleen makes out with him.

At least Ben and Colleen are talikng hopefully they will a least be friends. Also Evan might be perfect for Colleen because she is going away to college soon and she doesn't need a serious relationship.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Maine Squeeze Pages 172-202

A lot happened during thses two pages. First Colleen is accused of steating jewelery from a client when Bobb's catered there party. She got upset over it and Even was there and he hugged her and Ben saw it all and ran off before Colleen could talk to him. Then she went home and told haley all about it and she told her that it was all her fault and she did not feel bad for her at all. Then she learns that Blari was the one that stole the stuff and she was fired and packed her stuff and left the island. The Colleen discovers that Evan has a girlfriend.

So basically Ben broke up with Colleen. Her Ex has a girlfriend he did not tell her about. Her best friend hates her. Hopefully Haley can forgive Colleen. I do not think Ben will though becasue Colleen still has feelings for Even.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Maine Squeeze Pages 141-171

Colleen decides to have her aunt and Uncle over for dinner to show them that they cleaned up the house. Then she learns that Betty a local artist broke her hand and can't paint for like 8 weeks and she decides to go visit her. Then her brother Richard comes into town. When he leaves he warns her to be careful about what she wants.

Not much happened during thses pages but Richard was right to warn Colleen to make sure she knows what she want so she doesn't hurt others feelings, becasue she doesn't know wheather Ben or Evan would be perfect for her.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Maine Squeeze Pages 112-140

I was right! Ben forgave Colleen. Then Colleen discovers that Evan is taking Blair to play tennis. She is mad that Blair would consider dating an Ex of hers. Then later taht day Blair throws a huge party which is agianst the rules which makes Colleen evan madder. To make matters wrost Colleen's Aunt and Uncle come and check up on her the day after the party and the house is a mess and some strange guy comes running down the stairs. Her friend makes up a lie saying they clean the house every
Sunday and the guy was a handy man.

I am glad that Ben forgave Colleen because they seem so perfect for each other. I do hope taht Blair and Evan start dating so Colleen can forget about Evan.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Maine Squeeze Pages 70-111

On Friday Colleen and her friends go to book club where they meet by the Landing to look for hot guys getting off of the ferry. Then Colleen decided to tell Ben about Even on her day off from work, so she gets a roundtrip ticket for the ferry. She tells Ben about Even on the way to the mainland, and Ben reacts badly and won’t talk to Colleen. The next day at work Even starts annoying Colleen and she pushes him into the water and he losses a sandal and so Colleen has to pay him back for the shoe. When Colleen gets home she discovers that Blair has painted her parents’ bedroom, which was against the rules and she has to fix it before they get home.

At least Colleen has told Ben about Even and he will probably forgive Colleen soon.

Tuesday Response

Dan Martensen and Shannan Click's home is in the county. There are no other houses in sight. It reminds me of the cabins I stay in when traveling to Tennessee. How they are made out of wood. They have a very homey home. They also have a vegetable garden where they grow a lot of veges. They both seem to enjoy the home a lot, and enjoy living out in the county where there is peace and quiet.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Maine Squeeze Pages 1-69

I just started reading Maine Squeeze by Catherine Clark which is about a girl named Colleen Templeton and her summer on a little island off the coast of Maine. Colleen’s parents are going on a road trip for the summer and Colleen is staying in the house with 3 of her best friends, but on one condition they agree to some basic rules. After her parents leave Colleen goes to pick up her friend Erica, but she has bad news her parents won’t let her stay with Colleen only at her grandparent’s house. Then Sam and Haley, Colleen’s two other friends come over with all their stuff. Then Colleen goes to her first day of work at Bobb’s, a restaurant. Sam and Erica also work there, while Haley works at an Ice Cream Shop called the Landing where the ferry comes in from the mainland, Ben Colleen’s boyfriend works on the ferry. When Colleen goes into Bobb’s she discover her Ex boyfriend Even from last year is working there also. She decides not to tell Ben right away and wait for the right time to tell him. On the second day of work Colleen meets Blair who is new and needs a place to stay and says she can live at her house since she has a second room because Erica couldn’t stay.

I don’t think it is a very good idea to let Blair stay because they do not even know her yet, and I also think that Colleen should Ben about Even before he finds out from someone else.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Shadowland Pages 258-339

I just finished reading Shadowland by Alyson Noel. Ever's frineds find out that Sabine is dating their history teacher. Also Ever plans Miles going away party becasue he is going on a summer tripe. Jude gives Ever the magic book and she shows the twins becasue they can understand it better, but thye realize it is to powerful. Then Ramon shows up at the party with more immortal people he has created. Then leaves with Haven. Ever gets worried but then Jude gets a call from Ava telling him that haven is in troble and Ramon has done something to her. Then Ever sees a tatto on Judes back that symbolizes an immortal. She tells Jude to go away and he listens, and then Ever goes to find Haven and save and on the way she meets up with Damon. When Ever finds Haven she is almost dead and the only way to save her is to make or into an immortgal which she does, but when Haven wakes up she doesn't tell her what she did. Then Damon finally relizes that he is meant to be with Ever and decides not to stay way from her. And he also tells her that Jude is not an immortal he just has a tattoo.

i can't wait to read the next book to find out what happens with haven and Ramon and if Damon can be cured.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Shawdowland Pages 217-257

During these pages Damon tells Ever that Jude's past lives have always been in love with her and she has loved him back but always fell out of love with him when Damon came into the picture. And so Damon decides that he has been interfearing with Ever's future to much and tells her taht he is going to leave her alone the rest of the summer in order for her to make sure she is choosing the right person. Ever does not like this plan at all.

I think Ever is choosing the right guy and Damon is just being an idiot.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday - 3/29

I think the person who wants to be a school counselor will most likely succeed because he has the reasons to become a school counselor. I think the person who wants to become an actress will not succeed because that line of work is very hard to get into. The person who wants to become a marijuana baker is very deluded. In ten years I hope to be a pharmacist.

Daniel Cates is a self made millionaire at the age of 21 because of playing online poker. He spend most of time online playing poker. He even has multiple games going on at ounce on multiple computers. During his childhood he spent a lot of time by himself “I was figuring out that my interests were different than the other kids’ at school. I was never into fashion or politics or sports. So I began to spend most of my time by myself.” He spent the time he was alone playing video games. When he first started playing poker he was not good at it and so he lost money and had to get a job at McDonald's “I knew that if I just kept working at poker, my game would vastly improve.” His game did improve and he started winning against the best poker players in the county and making a lot of money. I think he needs to get more balance in life and not depend on online poker because he could lose everything because he is addicted to it. He needs to have more of a life outside of poker. He should consider going to college because he is smart, and he should have a steady income that doesn't depend on the luck of the poker game. Because he could lose everything a job will make sure that he can still have money. Also a job will help him not depend on poker. It will help him experience life and have better human interactions. But at least he is not spending all of his money he has won. He still lives in an apartment with a few of his poker friends.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Shadowland Pages 204-216

Druing these pages the twins decide to call the cat Luna whcih is moon in latin. Ever also show the tiwns the book of shadows and they say that it is very poewful and they want to use is to get back to summerland. But Dmaon said that they cannot use it becasue it is too power and too dark.

I agree with Damon that the twins should not mess with the book because they are so desperate to get back to Summerland that they will use any means necessary, even if it is dark magic.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Shadowland Pages 162-203

Damon and Ever decide to go to a muesem of art after it has closed becaused they are looking for something to do. Ever tries to convince Damon to start painting agian, and he decides to paint a picture fo Ever in the muesam and leave it there. After Damon is done painting the alarms go off becasue they forgot about them, but they get out just in time. Then Ever has to go to Haven's cat's funeral. There seh finds out that Haven's boyfriend got her a kitten but she does not want it and so Ever agrees that the twins can have the cat.

Nothing much happend during these pages, but we do see a bit of th eold Damon. Also the twins get a kitten.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Shadowland Pages 127-161

Damon and Ever test to see if Ramon is telling the truth about the DNA, and they find out that Ramon is telling the truth that Damon will die if Him and Ever exchange DNA. Then Haven shows up at Ever's with a cat that is abut to die, and she tells Ever that her parents are fighting, and they do not know that she is keeping the cat in her room. She asks Ever to keep the cat for the day because her mom is redecorating her room. She also tells Ever that she thinks she will have to move. Also she tells Ever that Ramon has been helping her get a job. This worry's Ever because she knows that Ramon is bad. Then Ever goes to her fist day on the job, and discovers a really old book, and while she is looking through it Haven comes into the store.

I wonder if Haven came to the store in order to save the cat because the store sells magic type items. I also hope that Haven will be okay hanging around with Ramon and that he will not do anything to hurt her.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My reading

My reading over the past quarter has mostly been pop-fiction. I normally do read a lot and so it is usually no problem for me to read 150 pages each quarter. I discovered a new series The Immortals by Alyson Noel. I will most likely finish this series during the 4th quarter. I also plan to read City of Fallen Angles by Cassandra Clare which is coming out in a few weeks. i also plan on reading the final book in the Alpha series by Lisi Harrison. I can't wait to read them both.

Favorite Poem

"Cramming for Finals," Philip Appleman

End of term, will a six-pack do us
while we speed-read Upton Sinclair Lewis?
So far behind, can we possibly ever
catch up on E. A. Robinson Jeffers?
Who said it was going to be multiple choice
on the later work of O. Henry James Joyce?
What's the plot of The Rise of Silas Marner? Who
remembers the Swiss Family Robinson Cru-
soe? Midnight—late. One A.M.—tardy.
Was Laurence Sterne? Was Thomas Hardy?
And hey—was John Gay?
Oh, let's take a break and all get mellow,
take our chances on Henry Wordsworth Longfellow,
and maybe later give a lick and a promise
to the earlier lyrics of Bob Dylan Thomas.

I like this poem because it reminds of how it is studying for finals every year.

Shadowland Pages 102-126

Ever finds out she has to get a job for the summer because her Aunt does not want her hanging out with Damon the whole summer. She goes to the place where Ava used to work and discovers the owners grandson is running the store for awhile while she is off on a retreat. While there she discovers that they need a palm reader. She displays her talent to Jude, the grandson. He hires her. Then when she gets home Damon is waiting for her and suggests that they raise the twins in order for them to live there life.

I am happy for Ever because she got a job, but I am also worried that she is going to fall in love with Jude because of the whole problem with Damon.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Shadowland Pages 44- 101

During these pages Damon decides to find a way to prevent Ever from going to Shadowland which is the opposite of summerland. Ever is going to find a cure for the antidote. While doing so she goes to see Ramon against Damon’s wishes but he still will not give her the antidote. After Ever left his house she went to Ava’s and finds that the twins from Summerland are there and they can’t leave, and she tell them she will find a way to get them back, and in the mean time they can stay at Damon’s.
Ever has a lot of problems she has to fix and I don’t think she can fix them all

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Shadowland Pages 1-43

Shadowland is the third book in The Immortals series by Alyson Noël. In the last book Ramon poisoned Damon and the cure he gave him made it impossible for Damon and Ever to exchange DNA, because if they do Damon will die. So far in this book Ever has told Damon the consequences of the cure, and Damon believes that it is because of Karma. He thinks that since he has been living this extravagant life he is getting punished for it. As a result he gets rid of his house, car and his expensive clothes. Now he rides the bus, lives in a smaller house, and wears cheap clothes. Ramon still is going to the school because he wants Ever, and because he has the antidote. Ever has promised Damon she will not try to kill him.
I don’t think Ever will be able to not kill Ramon because of what he has done, and I don’t think Ramon has the antidote because he has lied about things before.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Tale of Two Pretties Pages 180-203

I have just finished reading A Tale of Two Pretties by Lisi Harrison. The ending was great. Massie’s parents changed their minds, and told Massie she could stay with Claire until the school year is over. But she decides to move to England because if she stayed she would be clinging on to the past while everyone else moved on. In the Epilogue Massie is flying to England when she meets a boy named James who is also going to the same school as her.
It was a great ending to a wonderful series. All the books led up to this one perfectly. Even though Massie is in England they will all stay good friends.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Country Boys

Country Boys is about two boys Chris and Cody growing up in David, Kentucky. They are very similar and different form each other in their styles of diction. They both have low elevation, because they have not been very educated throughout their life. They are both considered failures and are predicted to not go very far in life. Chris’s father is a drunk and Cody’s killed himself when he was 12 years old. Basically they both don’t have a father figure but for different reasons. They are also different because Chris lives in poverty while Cody does not. Chris lives in a rundown trailer with his father, mother, and Sister Amy. Cody lives in a nice house with his grandmother who cares for him deeply. But, they are very similar in the education department; they both are struggling in school. Chris has about a 7th grade education and Cody doesn’t even know what grade he is in. Chris takes care of his sister a lot because his mom works to pay for food and clothing. Cody doesn’t have a job but he is in a Goth band that plays heavy metal. He is also the lead guitarist in the church band. Cody also has a girlfriend. They both want to make their life better, but it is hard in the situation they are in. They both are very literal when expressing what they want to do, because they know they have to do it in order to be successful in life. They are very concrete because these are real issue they are dealing with first hand.

A Tale of Two Pretties Pages150-179

It is New Year’s Eve now and everyone is at Dylan’s house because her mom throws a huge party every year to celebrate the holiday and to reveal the first episode of the reality T.V. series. Then all the secrets come out and everyone knows what everyone else has been hiding. Then Massie asks her parents if she can stay at Claire the rest of the year and they said no, and so her life is basically ruined. Then when Massie tells her friends Alicia suggest that they see the fortune teller to predict their future again, because she predicted that they will become friends. The fortune teller tells them that they will all be fine and that Massie will meet a new boy named James.
Massie really is moving away, and the other girls are going to have to learn how do live life without her. Alicia will become a leader after all.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Tale of Two Pretties Pages 123-149

During these pages Massie tries to see if she could live at Alicia’s house. But, she discovers that she dances a majority of her free time and that you can hear her tap shoes throughout the whole house. Next she tried Kristen’s Apartment, and she discovered that She get up every day except Friday to run with her mom. Then Massie decides that she will stay with Claire. Then it is Claire’s moving day and Massie helps her with rearranging her room at the new house and they talk about decorating it because Massie will apparently be living with her for awhile.
I kind of figured that Massie will choose Claire because she can be more herself around her and they are kind of like family. Massie still has not told her parents about her moving in with Claire’s family. Hopefully everything will turn out okay.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Tale of Two Pretties Pages 105-122

Massie tells everyone that she is rich again, but not about the fact that she is moving. Later though she tells Claire she is moving and as a result Claire told her she was also moving. Then Claire comes up with an idea that Massie should stay at a friend’s house until her dad gets a new job, and moves back that way she won’t have to leave. Massie liked the plan and she decided that she will spend one night at each house and decide which one is better. But, when she goes to Dylan’s she finds out about the reality T.V. show, and she can tell everyone else because she didn’t sign a contract.
Massie now has to choose a house that she can stay at until her dad gets a new job, but she still hasn’t told her parents about her plan. Her parents might not want her to stay because then they will miss her, but then again Massie usually gets what she wants.

"Let Kids Rule The School" New York Times Article

This article talks about how a group of students in high school chose their own curriculum for a semester. They learned whatever they wanted too. It turned out that they learned more on their own then with a school set curriculum. They learned subjects that interested them, and so they learned more. I don't think it would work well for everybody, because some students wouldn't take it seriously, but it would work great for students who are motivated and hard working.

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Tale of Two Pretties Pages 86-104

The clothes auction was a success everybody enjoyed it and Massie got enough money to buy new clothes. Then Massie gets some good and bad news. Her dad got a job, a better paying one, but they are still moving to England.
Alicia’s fortune might come true because Massie is going to move away, and she will become Alpha. It’s sad to know that Massie will move away because she enjoys her life with her friends and she doesn’t want to lose them.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Tale of Two Pretties Pages 61-85

Alicia came up with a great idea for Massie to get money for some new clothes. She decided to auction off all her clothes from last year. But, Massie put her in charge of the event and it is worrying Alicia because of what the fortune teller told her. Next, Claire and Kristen try to take Massie bargain shopping because she can’t afford all the expensive clothes she has bought in the past. It goes pretty well because she actually did buy something. Next we see Dylan and how the reality T.V. Show is not really about reality. They make up scenes for them to do to make it more interesting. Dylan is pinned as the rebel daughter.

Massie is starting to get used to the idea of being poor with the help of her friends. She beginning to understand that they are true friends.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Tale of Two Pretties pages 40-60

Massie has stated pack her things because she is moving in with Claire. While doing so Dylan calls and asks her if she ever had a huge secret that you couldn’t tell. When Massie herd that she hung up because she thought Dylan knew about her being poor. Then Massie’s mom walks in with a real estate person and tells her that they are going to sell the house. Next Dylan tries calling Alicia to tell her about her big secret but Alicia hangs up because she is afraid that this problem is for an Alpha. Then Claire is telling Massie that her friends will like her even if she was poor and so she sets up a meeting to tell them. And Claire was right and her friends still want to be friends with her.
Massie’s friends are true friends because they did not abandon her when they found out she was poor. Also everybody should tell their secret because it is creating confusion and it is better to tell them yourself than somebody else tell them.

Monday, February 28, 2011

2.28 Diction Exercise

1) Diverged, bent, undergrowth, passing, equally, trodden, another, doubted, sigh, hence

2) Elevation-medium high because it doesn't use to tough of words but some are not used as often as others
Connotation- poetic, beautiful,alive, adventurous
Sound- melodic, soft
Concreteness- concrete, choice, troubled, clear, wide-eyed

3) Robert Frost's poetic, and melodic use of language in the poem The Road Not Taken revels that it is okay to go against the crowd and chose your own destiny by taking the path less traveled by.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Tale Of Two Pretties pages 20-39

During these pages Dylan finds out that her family will be starting in their own reality T.V. show, but she can’t tell anyone until New Year’s Day. Next we find out that Alicia got a fortune teller to tell her future. The fortune teller told her that she will become the leader of her group. But, Massie is the Alpha, and Alicia does not want to become an Alpha. Next we find out that Claire’s family is getting their own house and moving out of the Block’s guest house. Next we see Kristen’s first soccer practice with the soccer sisters. She is accepted fully by them, and they tell her she is a great player and that they won’t lose with her playing on the team.

I don’t think Dylan will be able to keep a secret this big and that someone is eventually going to find out. The prediction about Alicia being the new Alpha might come true because who knows what is going to happen to Massie now that her Dad does not have a job. I can’t wait to read more to find out what happens next.

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Tale of Two Pretties Pages 1-19

A Tale of Two Pretties is by Lisi Harrison, and it is the last book in her series called the Clique. This series is about 5 girls, Massie Block, Alicia Rivera, Dylan Marvil, Kristen Gregory, and Claire Lyons. They are all friends and the most popular and there grad. These books show the up and downs of their friendship through middle school. This book starts out on Christmas Eve, and Claire is at her boyfriend’s, Cam Fisher, house. They exchange Christmas presents. Nest we fast forward to Christmas Day at the Blocks mansion where Massie only get one present because her Dad lost his job and they are now broke. In the next part we find out that Kristen has been accepted into the soccer sisters, an elite soccer team, but she doesn’t tell anyone else yet because it would mean that she can’t spend as much time with the Pretty Committee.

Even though I just started to read this book I am already hooked because Massie is poor when she was preciously filthy rich. She is going to have to get used to having less money. Also Kristen secret about the soccer sisters, and what it means about spending time with friends, because if she joins she won’t be able to spend as much time as she wants to with her friends. Her friends are going to have to find out sometime. I can’t wait to read

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hoot pages 249-292

I have just finished reading Hoot during these last few pages a lot has happened. At the ground breaking ceremony Mullet Fingers buried himself into one of the owl holes. This started a protest against putting a pancake place on the piece of land. Everyone gathered around Mullet Fingers including Roy’s class, Beatrice’s soccer team, and even Mother Paula herself, who is an actress named Kimberly Lou Dixon. At the end of the protest Mullet Fingers mother show up and as a result he goes to live with her but doesn’t last two days before he ran away. As a result of the protest the owls were saves and the land was donated as an owl sanctuary. We also find out Mullet fingers real name is Napoleon Bridger Leep.

Well the owls where saved and Mullet Fingers is still roaming the wilderness. Overall, a very good book worth reading.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hoot pages 211-248

During these pages e find out that Officer Delinko has been assigned to watch the pancake site until the ground breaking ceremony. Roy went to the city hall to look at the permits and discovered that the construction permit was not there. Roy also gives Mullet Fingers a camera in order to take pictures of the owls to show everyone that there are owls and that they are still there. Also Roy told his class about the owls.

I am almost done reading this book. I have about 40 more pages to read. I can’t wait to read more.

2.23 Diction Exercise

This is over "On Love" by Alain de Botton.

a) momentary, cynicism, spectrum, debilitating, coup de foudre, pessimism, inclination, strenuous, indirectly, involuntarily

b) Connotation- poetic, elegant, formal
Sound- melodic, soft
Concreteness- abstract, beautiful, clever

c) Alain de Botton's elegant, melodic, poetic language expresses hopefulness for love, and a passion for finding love.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hoot pages 180-210

During these pages Roy tricks Dana into thinking there is a hidden stash of cigarettes at the pancake place. When Dana gets to the pancake place Curly and Officer Delinko catch him, and Officer Delinko takes him to jail. They think they have caught the vandal until the bulldozers seat goes missing. Then Beatrice comes to spend the night because her Dad and Step Mom are fighting.

This book keeps on getting better because Dana was arrested and Mullet Fingers is still free. I can’t wait to read more.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Hoot pages 153-179

During these pages Roy had to explain to his parents who Mullet Fingers was, and he also told them about the owls. His dad, a law enforcement person, says that they can build a pancake place there because they have all the right paper work. Roy then goes to visit Mullet Fingers, and Mullet Fingers take him to an undeveloped part of the town where the wildlife is present. Roy is then very determined to save the owls.

This is a really good book so far. I am very glad they are trying to save the owls because they were there first. The movie about the book also follows the book very well. There have not been any major differences between them so far.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hoot pages 98-152

During these pages Roy almost got beat up by Dana but Beatrice saves him. At the future Pancake place someone put snakes on the site and the snakes are poisonous to the dogs, and so the dogs are taken away. After Beatrice saves Roy she tells him mullet fingers is hurt because a dog bit him. Then Mullet Fingers takes Roy to the Pancake site and shows him the baby owls. Then he faints and Roy and Beatrice take him to the hospital and tell them he is Roy, because they don’t want them finding out who he really is. Then Roy’s parents show up and Mullet Fingers ran away. That’s where I finished reading.

Mullet Fingers is the person who has been vandalizing the future pancake place, and for a good reason too. Those owls need to be saved.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hoot Pages 49-97

At the start of these pages Roy decides to go looking for barefoot kid and he finds where he is staying in the woods but there are cottonmouths, highly poisonous. The Barefoot kid saves Roy but before Roy can even glance at him he covers his head with a bag and leads him to the golf course and tells him to go home and not to come back. But he tells Roy that he does not have a name but he goes by Mullet Fingers. But, Roy decides to go back to give Barefoot kid a pair of new shoes, Beatrice stops him and steals his bike. She tells him that Mullet Fingers is her step brother, and he ran away from home because his mother kept on shipping him off to military school. Since it was late Beatrice bit the tire on Roy’s bike and so it looked like it ran over a nail and that was why he was late to dinner. When walking home Officer Dilinko saw him and offered him a ride home. Roy accepts. Late Curley, the Pancake site Foreman, decides to hire dogs to protect the site from whoever is trespassing.

So far the book is still closely resembles the movie. Since I already know what is going to happen I won’t make prediction. But anyway hat is a well written book and I can’t wait to read more of it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hoot Pages 1-48

I just started reading Hoot by Carl Hiaasen. I have seen the movie before and really enjoyed it, and so I decided to read the book it was based off of. In the beginning we are introduced to Roy who just moved to Florida from Montana. In the opening page Roy is being bullied one the bus by Dana Matherson. Dana mashed his face against the window and when Dana was doing that Roy noticed this barefoot kid running super fast. On the third page we are introduced to Officer Delinko who was sent to the future site of a Mother Paula’s All-American Pancake House. Someone yanked up all there survey stakes and filled the holes in with dirt. Later we are introduced to Garrett and cool kid at Trace Middle where Roy attends. Garrett is kind of Roy’s friend. A couple of days later on a bus ride to school Roy saw the barefoot kid again and decided to go after him but Dana started to strangle him and so Roy punched him in the nose and then ran off the bus after the barefoot kid. The barefoot kid ran through a golf course and Roy got hit in the head with a golf ball. When Roy wakes up he is in trouble and has to write an appoloy letter Dana and is suspended two weeks form riding the bus. Also we meet Beatrice a girl who Roy ran into when he was running off the bus. At the end of the pages read we visit the Pancake site again and learn someone has put alligators on the site. And someone sprayed Officers Delinkos cop car black. As a result he is on desk duty for awhile.

From what I have read so far the movie follows the book very closely. There is two main differences. One Garrett was not a cool kid in the movie he was a nerd, and second when Officer Delikos car was painted black he didn’t have to go on desk duty. This book is really good and I can’t wait to see is the book closely resembles the move all the way through the book.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Blue Moon 230-284

I just finished reading Blue Moon. During these pages Ever goes back into the past and learns that the death of her family was meant to be. Then she is transported back to the future whre she learns that Ava is Ramon’s friend and has left Damon to die. But the two twins from shadow land say they can save him but Ever doesn’t believe instead she believes Ramon who says he thought Damon killed Drina, his true love. Ramon says he has an antidote and all it needs is her blood. She believes him and gives the antidote to Damon and it does cure him, but now Ever cannot exchange DNA with him at all. This means that she cannot kiss him or else he will die.

That is the end and the next book is Shadowland. Hopefully in this book Ever and Damon will find a cure for the antidote. I am glad Damon is saved but I am mad that Ever believe Ramon after all that he did. It just didn’t make sense.

Snowmen and Sledding

Yesterday I went outside to build a snowman. It was not very successful because every time I finished it would just fall over. I guess I am not that good at building snowmen. I also tried to go sledding but there were not really any good sledding hills in my yard. Next time hopefully I can build a snowman.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blue Moon pages 159-229

Ever learns that she can go back in time because of a full moon. She decides that she is going back in time to save her family and live the life she would have had if Drina didn’t kill her family. But before she does she decides to save Damon. She breaks into his house to replace his red drink, because it has been tampered with because it is just water. But Damon catches her and throws all the red drink down the sink. Ever goes back to shadowland and learns about a cure for him. She gets all the ingredients and makes it and gives it to Ava to give to Damon. Next she is about ready to go back to the past and that is where I stopped reading.
I am wondering if Ever will actually go back in the past or if she will not. Also will Damon get better? If Ever goes back to the past then will Drina try to come and kill her again? I guess I’ll have to read to find out.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Close Reading

A Talent for Dancing

In this scene from Singing in the Rain, Gene Kelly’s giddy performance conveys an explosiveness of talent. Kelly was smiling through the performance always synchronized with his partner. This suggests a lot practice and hard work was put into this performance and a huge amount of passion for dancing. It also shows a joy for dancing. Kelly also made it look effortlessness which conveys a talent for dancing. Kelly moved around the whole room using the props available including a desk and a chair. This energetic movement creates an excitement due to all of the movement. The precision of the steps demonstrates soothing feel because everything looked planned out making it look perfect. The dancing makes people feel happy and joyful. The atmosphere created is enthusiastic because of the upbeat dancing. Overall Gene Kelly enhances dancing by his cheerful and confident performance.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blue Moon pages 125-158

During these pages Ever visits shadowland. She discovers the library and looks through Damon’s past by watching a video. She learns that he watch both of his parents being murdered when he was young. Also when the Black Death came he put together the red drink in order to live. When she sees him with Drina she tells the video to move faster and she misses how Damon is acting the way he is. But she does see Ramon looking over a dead Damon. Ever learns that Ramon is doing it all but she does not know how to stop him.

I knew Ramon was doing it. Now I hope Ever can stop him and soon. But, she does not know how Ramon is making Damon act this way and how to stop him.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Blue Moon Pages 86-124

During these pages Damon returns to school but he doesn’t seem to remember Ever. He thinks she is stalking him. He starts hanging out with Stacia. Miles and Haven start hanging out with the popular crown too. Ever thinks Ramon has something to do with it. She goes to see Ava about it and she agrees something is happening. As a result Ever decides to go to shadowland to figure out what is wrong.
I hope Ever fixes this because everything is wrong. Miles and Haven are not supposed to be hanging out with the popular crowd. Damon is supposed to be madly in love with Ever. I am mad at Ramon because I think he has something to do with what is going on.

Three Minute Fiction

A Saint And A Criminal
by Lauri Anderson

The girls father alway tells a joke about a sain and a criminal. She is one while her brother is the other. She did not know which one she was until her brother ran his car into someones living room and killing a women. He did not talk to his family or look them in the eye until a few days later when they visit him in jail and he is the bother she has always known, because he was acting different before the accident. She did not say which one she is but I think that she thinks she might be the criminal because the brother is changing. Maybe not so much as a saint but he is changing his life for the better.

Monday, February 7, 2011


I am assistant coaching a 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade girl’s basketball team. So far it has been very enjoyable. I love basketball, and so it is fun to teach other people how to play the sport. We just finished our regular season and we finished first and so we got a buy in the tournament. Saturday we played our first tournament game and we won. Now we are going to play in the championship this Thursday. Hopefully we will win : )

Supernatural 3

I am still watching Supernatural. In the past couple of weeks Sam died and was brought back to life because Dean made a deal. But, Dean’s deal only gives him one year to live. Then Dean and Sam try to figure a way out of his deal. They do not and so Dean dies. But, he is brought back to life by an angel. This is the last episode I watched. I love watching this series. I cannot wait to watch more.

Blue Moon Pages 48-85

During these pages Damon and Ever are planning to spend a night together in a hotel room. They plan on doing this the night of Miles big play. Also when Ever is out shopping Stacia threaten to expose her abilities to everybody. Damon, Ever, Haven, and Ramon all go to Miles play together. After the play Damon tells Ever that he will go get his car and meet her out back. But, when Ever goes out back Damon is not there. She manifests a car and goes to all the place she could think he could be but she cannot find him.
                I wonder where Damon went and if it had to do with his weakening powers. I hope he left for some important reason because Ever and Damon are perfect for each other. I wonder what is going to happen next.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Blue Moon pages 9-47

During these pages Miles is freaking out because he has a zit and his big play is in a couple of days. Sabine invited Damon over for dinner. Also there is this new kid. Ramon. Ever is paranoid that Ramon is evil. Haven thinks that Ever just hates all the new kids. As a result Ever tries to be nice to him. Also something is happening to Damon’s powers, they seem to be weakening.
                I think Ramon might be evil, because when he showed up Damon’s powers started to weaken. I am worried about Damon because of his weakening powers. I wonder what is wrong with his powers and if they will go away.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Blue Moon pages 1-8

I checked out Blue Moon by Alyson Noël today from the library. I haven’t read much yet. The first couple of pages are about Damon trying to teach ever how to conjure things like he conjured the tulip in Evermore.
                I am so happy the library had this book, and that it was not checked out. I can’t wait to start reading more of it.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Evermore Pages 217-301

I just finished reading Evermore last night. Ever discovered that alcohol prevented her from seeing other people auras and hearing their thoughts. She got caught drinking in school and got kicked out for one week. During this time Ever almost gets killed by Drina. To get away from her she goes to Shadowland in order to get away from her. There she sees Damon, and he tells her that she is an immortal also and that she has a choice to stay immortal or not. She decides against it, and goes home. At home she is overwhelmed by people thoughts and feelings, and as a result she goes to see Ava. Ava helps her with her powers and convinces her that Riley needs to move on which she does. Then Drina shows up again and Ever kills her. After that Damon shows up, because Ever decides that she wants to be immortal. That is where the story ends.
                The ending was great. I was really happy when Damon and Ever got back together. I can’t wait to read Blue Moon which is the second book in this series.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Evermore pages 174-216

So Damon is not a vampire but he is an immortal. When Ever went to check out Damon’s house she discovers that Damon has Haven and is trying to kill her. Then Damon makes Ever forget she ever saw it, but she remembers later and Damon tries to tell her that he was trying to save her life.
I think that Damon is telling the truth that he was trying to save Haven, and also I think Drina had something to do with Haven almost dying. I hope that Damon was telling the truth because he and Ever were perfect for each other.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Favorite books

My favorite books are part of a series. The first is called the Harry Potter series. I first read the series in 8th grade. I did see a few of the movies before, but the books were so much better. The movies do follow the books well, but there is a lot more information contained in the books. I like this series because it is fantasy. I love reading fantasy. Fantasy can contain a lot of the other genres in it too like mystery, and romance. I also find fantasy books harder to put down when I start reading them.
My second favorite series is the mortal instruments. There are a total of three out right now and there is three to come. This series contains romance and fantasy. There is also a movie in the making for the first book City of Bones. This series contains twists and turns every chapter and I can’t wait for the 4th one to come out.

Evermore pages 130-174

Damon and Ever are now officially girlfriend and boyfriend. Haven’s friend was found dead. Damon and Ever go to a horse racing track and bet on the outcome. They both get lucky and win a lot of money. Riley tells Ever that she has been to Damon’s house and there is only a T.V. and a few other things there. It looks like there is nothing there. Haven and Miles are not talking to each other, and Haven will not answer Ever’s phone calls.
I am so happy that Damon and Ever are together because they seem perfect for each other. I am worried about what happened to Haven’s friend because it might have to do something with Drina. I also think Damon could be a vampire because he drinks this red drink all the time. I also think something happened to Haven because she will not answer Ever’s phone calls, and she has been hanging out with Drina.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Evermore pages 82-129

A lot has happened during these pages.  Drina shows up at the party and her and Haven go to a different party with one of Havens friends. Damon takes Ever to Disneyland, and they spend the whole day there. Also one of Havens friends is missing.
This book is getting better by each page. I wonder why Havens friend is missing, and what is up with Drina. I guess I will have to read more to find out.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Evermore pages 54-81

During these pages I find out that Ever knows all the answers to test and quizzes just by touching the paper. Also Ever is falling in love with Damen, he is starting to hang out with Stacia, one of the popular girls. Later Damen leaves not in art class for Ever, and it only contains a picture of a red tulip. Also Ever and her Aunt are having a Halloween party and Damen shows up uninvited. During the party a physic named Ava shows up and she can see Riley, Evers sister. Also during the party Ever and Damen share a kiss.
This story is very interesting. I want to know why Ava can see Riley, and why did Damen send a note with a picture of a red tulip, because there is a red tulip on the book cover.  I guess I will have to read more to find out.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Evermore pages 1-54

I have just started reading evermore by Alyson Noël. This book is part of a series called the immortals. A few have my friends have said that I should read this book. The book is so far is about a girl named Ever. Her family died in a car crash while she lived. She lives with her Aunt, dad twin sister. She can see people’s auras, and hear their thoughts. As a result she keeps to herself hiding in a baggy sweatshirt. She only has two friends Miles, and Haven. Ever also see and talks with her dead sister. Then there is the new kid at school Damen. The weird thing about Damen is Ever can’t see his aura, or read is thoughts. Also whenever he touches her all the thoughts form people stop.
This book is very interesting so far. I can’t wait to read more to find out why Ever has these powers.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Emma pages 144-171

I have just read 144 to171 in Emma by Jane Austen. During these pages Emma finds out that Mr. Elton in going to marry Miss Hawkins. Emma thinks he has moved on from her and has found someone else. Also Frank comes to town to visit his father Mr. Weston. Frank is kind to everyone, and plans to stay for a while.
                Not much happened during these pages but hopefully things will speed back up here soon.

Supernatural 2

I am still watching Supernatural. There are two episodes every week day. Yesterday I saw part 1 of a two part episode. During this episode Sam is transported to a ghost town with other people who have special abilities like him. The yellow eyed demon has told him that only one will survive this and will become the leader of his army. At the end of the episode only Sam and Jake, who has super strength, are left. Jake kills Sam and runs. Dean shows up right after to find his brother his dead. I know Sam is going to come alive somehow because the series is still airing new episodes, but I don’t know how, and I can’t wait to find out how.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Picture Perfect pages 247-327

I have just finished reading Picture Perfect by Catherine Clark. I was a great ending. Most of the group went by ferry to an island. While there they visited museums and lighthouses. There was a storm coming, and so everybody left but Emily and Spencer because Emily wanted to take pictures and Spencer stayed with her.  They end up getting stuck on the island and have to stay in a hotel run by this weird couple. While there Emily tells Spencer she still likes him, and Spencer ends up telling Emily that he has been in love with her since she told him she liked him a few years ago. When they get back to the beach house Spencer and Emily have a fight because Spencer want to keep this relationship a secret form the parents, but Emily wants to tell them. Later Adam finds a love letter to Emily from Spencer and reads it aloud to everyone. In the letter Spencer apologizes. They make up and everybody was happy for them.
                This was a very good book. I really enjoyed it. I cannot wait to read more books by Catherine Clark.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Picture Perfect pages 179-248

I have just read pages 179 to 246 in Picture Perfect by Catherine Clark. During these pages Emily starts to like Spencer again, and when she tells this to Heather, Heather says Spencer likes her too. She know this by the way he has been acting. Emily doesn’t totally believe her, but she still tries to come up with a plan to ask him out. All her plans did not work though. That is where I left off.
                I really hope Emily and Spencer get together, because they would make the perfect couple. This book has lots of twists and turns, and I can’t wait to read more to find out what is going to happen next.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Picture Perfect pages 96-178

I have just read pages 96 to 178 in Picture Perfect by Catherine Clark. The older kids went on a day trip to a nearby beach. While there Emily sprained her ankle. Later Emily and Heather went to a party next door and Emily forgot her camera. She and Blake went to look for it, and when they found it they looked at the pictures that were taken. Then Spencer walked in on them, and Blake left. Later Emily and her mother went to the grocery store to buy supplies for dinner, and Emily saw Blake there. Blake and Emily also shared their first kiss. That night the older kids went to band concert with the people next door. While there Emily discovers that Blake has a girlfriend. That is where I finished reading.
                This book has many twists and turns. Like the fact that Blake has a girlfriend. I think Spencer does like Emily because he was trying to keep her away from Blake. He is jealous of Blake. Emily does not realize that he is doing the things he is doing because he is jealous, and so Emily thinks he is being rude. I can’t wait to find out if I am correct or not.  

Friday, January 21, 2011

Picture Perfect pages 54-96

I have just read pages 54 to 96 in Picture Perfect by Catherine Clark. In the part I just read they all went to visit a lighthouse and all the older kid are planning on doing a day trio without the adults. Also the boy next door name is Blake. He invited Emily and her friends to a party in a couple of nights.
                This book is very interesting. It reminds me of summer and warm weather. It also sounds like the perfect vacation.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Picture Perfect pages 1-54

I have just started reading Picture Perfect by Catherine Clark yesterday. There are four main characters in this book; Emily, Heather, Spencer, and Adam. The book is from Emily point of view. The four main characters are all kids of former Linden College friends. The four friends get together about every two years to reminisce. Last time this was done Emily told Spencer she liked him and he didn’t respond. When arriving to the beach house they are staying at for two weeks Spencer does not acknowledge what happened last time. Emily thinks he forgot about it. Anyway Emily meets a cute boy next door and borrows his sweatshirt for the evening. That evening the four main characters go to a nearby coffee house to catch up and they all learn that they all might end up at Linden. This is where I left off.
                This book is definitely popular fiction, and is a romance novel. I have read other books by Catherine Clark and enjoyed them all. They are all usually romances. This book so far sounds like an ideal summer vacation, and sounds like it is going to have lots of twists and turns. I believe that Emily and Spencer are going to end up together after a lot of drama of course. I can’t wait to read more in this book.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


                I just went cross country skiing with my friend. This is only my second time going and it was fun. There was plenty of snow for skiing. I have not gone skiing since third grade, but I did okay anyway. I fell a lot, but it was still fun. It was also a workout, and I hope to go again soon.

Emma pages 122-144

I have just finished reading pages 122 – 144 in Emma by Jane Austen. During these pages Emma and Mr. Knightley take about Franks Churchill not coming to visit his father who is Mr. Weston. Later Emma and Harriet visit the Bates. While there they talk about Jane Fairfox who is the niece of Mrs. Bates and she is also an orphan. They say that she is coming to visit for about three months. Emma does not like Jane. I finished reading right when Jane came.
                After reading these pages I am starting to think Mr. Knightley might be in love will Emma. I will have to read more to find out. Frank Churchill will probably come and visit and when he does I think he will fall in love with Jane Fairfox. During these pages I finished volume 1, so that means I am a third of the way through. I cannot wait to find out how this book is going to end.


I have been watching this T.V. series called Supernatural. My friend also watched this T.V. series and has suggested many times that I watch it. Well two weeks ago I did start watching it and found out that I love it. It’s about two brothers, Dean and Sam, who hunt demons. While doing so they lose very important people to them including their Mom and Dad and Sam’s girlfriend. But, they still hunt demons.  Sam has the visions of people being attacked by demons and they also have a connection to the demon that killed his mother. He does not know why he has them.  I cannot wait to find out why he does. If you have ever watched the series Charmed and liked it you will most likely like this series.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Emma pages 81-121

I have just finished reading pages 81 to 121 in Emma by Jane Austen. Starting on page 81 Emma and her father have dinner with Mr. Knightley (Johns Brother). Later Mrs. John Knightley, Emma’s sister, visits with old friend. Next Emma learns her friend Harriet is sick with a cold. Later Emma and her father go to a party at Mr. Weston’s. Where Emma starts to think Mr. Elton likes her not Harriet.
On the way home from the party Mr. Elton confessed his love for Emma and proposed to her, and Emma turned down the proposal.
                During the pages a new plot twist is revealed in the fact that Mr. Elton is in love With Emma and not Harriet. I cannot wait to find out what happens with this new development. If Emma will fall in love with Mr. Elton, or Mr. Elton might still fall in love with Harriet. This book has proven to be a classic and a very enjoyable read. This is a book that every person should read.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Emma pages 59-81

I have just finished reading pages 59-81 in Emma by Jane Austen. A lot has happened during these pages. Emma is still trying to play matchmaker with Mr. Elton and Harriet. While doing so Mr. Elton brings over a poem who he says is done by a friend for the two girls to read. They both think he wrote the poem and that the poem is about Harriet. This takes up most of the 22 pages. At the end Emma’s sister who is married to Mr. John Knightly arrives with her five kids.
                I really like this book so far, and the plot line is coming along. Emma is just like a normal girl trying to get her best friend a boyfriend. Emma believes she will not find true love, but I believe that she will. I can’t wait to read about her sister’s visit.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Emma pages 32-58

I am reading Emma by Jane Austen. I am reading this classic because many colleges recommend that students should have read this book when entering college. In the pages I just read Emma is painting a picture of her new friend Harriet. While doing so Mr. Elton is helping by reading stories. Emma is trying to get Harriet and Mr. Elton to marry each other. After the picture is done Mr. Elton goes to London to buy a frame. Meanwhile Harriet gets a letter from Mr. Martian a local farmer, and the letter contains a marriage proposal but Emma convinces Harriet to refuse the marriage proposal. Then when Harriet leaves Mr. Knightly shows up and he and Emma talk about Mr. Martians marriage proposal. That is where I finished reading.
                When I first decided to read this book I thought it was going to be really hard to read and very boring, but it is not I understand the book and it has a very good story line right now. Emma is trying to play matchmaker while thinking that she herself is immune to love. This is a classic book and I recommend to everybody that it is a good book to read.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I have just finished reading the third book in the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. The third book is called Mockingjay. This book series is a very suspenseful. I could not put the book down. I read the whole series within 2 weeks. I finished the last 200 pages over the weekend. In the pages I read Katniss (the main character) is reunited with Peeta. Peeta is different though because he has been captured and tortured by the Capitol, the government in charge who the characters are trying to overthrow. Katniss is still the face of the rebellion after surviving the Hunger Games twice and plans to kill Snow herself, who is the president. The rebels are attacking the capitol and are about ready to take control when the leader of the rebel Coin decided to send a star troop containing mostly previous Hunger Game winners and Gale, Katniss’s childhood friend. They are separated from the main army and so they decided to go to the Presidents mansion to kill him. There are many twists and turns along the way making it almost impossible to put the book down till the end.
                I found this book series a very good read. The first book introduces you to the characters and the life they live. The second book shows you how the people who oppose the government are so close to revolting in a huge war. The third book tells how the war is resolved. This books series has romance and action. The romance is a love triangle and gets more confusing as the book continues.  The many plot twists were all shocking. I recommend that people read these series because it tells a beautiful story of a girl who must decide if she will be the face of a rebellion that’s been brewing for a long time. These books keep me up for long hours of the night to find out how it was all going end.