Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Tale Of Two Pretties pages 20-39

During these pages Dylan finds out that her family will be starting in their own reality T.V. show, but she can’t tell anyone until New Year’s Day. Next we find out that Alicia got a fortune teller to tell her future. The fortune teller told her that she will become the leader of her group. But, Massie is the Alpha, and Alicia does not want to become an Alpha. Next we find out that Claire’s family is getting their own house and moving out of the Block’s guest house. Next we see Kristen’s first soccer practice with the soccer sisters. She is accepted fully by them, and they tell her she is a great player and that they won’t lose with her playing on the team.

I don’t think Dylan will be able to keep a secret this big and that someone is eventually going to find out. The prediction about Alicia being the new Alpha might come true because who knows what is going to happen to Massie now that her Dad does not have a job. I can’t wait to read more to find out what happens next.

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