Monday, February 14, 2011

Blue Moon 230-284

I just finished reading Blue Moon. During these pages Ever goes back into the past and learns that the death of her family was meant to be. Then she is transported back to the future whre she learns that Ava is Ramon’s friend and has left Damon to die. But the two twins from shadow land say they can save him but Ever doesn’t believe instead she believes Ramon who says he thought Damon killed Drina, his true love. Ramon says he has an antidote and all it needs is her blood. She believes him and gives the antidote to Damon and it does cure him, but now Ever cannot exchange DNA with him at all. This means that she cannot kiss him or else he will die.

That is the end and the next book is Shadowland. Hopefully in this book Ever and Damon will find a cure for the antidote. I am glad Damon is saved but I am mad that Ever believe Ramon after all that he did. It just didn’t make sense.

1 comment:

  1. Really nice consistency here, and a huge amount of reading going on here. Great work.
