Friday, March 18, 2011

A Tale of Two Pretties Pages150-179

It is New Year’s Eve now and everyone is at Dylan’s house because her mom throws a huge party every year to celebrate the holiday and to reveal the first episode of the reality T.V. series. Then all the secrets come out and everyone knows what everyone else has been hiding. Then Massie asks her parents if she can stay at Claire the rest of the year and they said no, and so her life is basically ruined. Then when Massie tells her friends Alicia suggest that they see the fortune teller to predict their future again, because she predicted that they will become friends. The fortune teller tells them that they will all be fine and that Massie will meet a new boy named James.
Massie really is moving away, and the other girls are going to have to learn how do live life without her. Alicia will become a leader after all.

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