Friday, March 18, 2011

Country Boys

Country Boys is about two boys Chris and Cody growing up in David, Kentucky. They are very similar and different form each other in their styles of diction. They both have low elevation, because they have not been very educated throughout their life. They are both considered failures and are predicted to not go very far in life. Chris’s father is a drunk and Cody’s killed himself when he was 12 years old. Basically they both don’t have a father figure but for different reasons. They are also different because Chris lives in poverty while Cody does not. Chris lives in a rundown trailer with his father, mother, and Sister Amy. Cody lives in a nice house with his grandmother who cares for him deeply. But, they are very similar in the education department; they both are struggling in school. Chris has about a 7th grade education and Cody doesn’t even know what grade he is in. Chris takes care of his sister a lot because his mom works to pay for food and clothing. Cody doesn’t have a job but he is in a Goth band that plays heavy metal. He is also the lead guitarist in the church band. Cody also has a girlfriend. They both want to make their life better, but it is hard in the situation they are in. They both are very literal when expressing what they want to do, because they know they have to do it in order to be successful in life. They are very concrete because these are real issue they are dealing with first hand.

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