Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Banana Splitsville Pages 343-417

Courtney won student council and now she has to work with Tom the president of student council who has gone out with every girl in student council. But he ddoes not seem intersted in courney at all and it is making her mad. Also Dave and Courney have been hanging out a lot but theya re not going out and will not becasue apparently Dave has a girlfriend. Courney is mad at him now. Also she is mad at Grant becasue he is friends with Dave and he should have told her about his new girlfriend. Now she is at her grandparents for tahnksgiving and Tom is there too becasue Courtney's familys car was trapped in snow in the blizzard on the way there and Tom saw them and gave them a ride there and had to stay becasue of the bad weather.

I do not see why courtney is still obsessing over Dave becaue he has been mean and rude to her and she desearves better. Also I do not get why she is mad at Grant about Dave having a girlfriend. Anyway I am glad she won student council.

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