Friday, January 14, 2011

Emma pages 81-121

I have just finished reading pages 81 to 121 in Emma by Jane Austen. Starting on page 81 Emma and her father have dinner with Mr. Knightley (Johns Brother). Later Mrs. John Knightley, Emma’s sister, visits with old friend. Next Emma learns her friend Harriet is sick with a cold. Later Emma and her father go to a party at Mr. Weston’s. Where Emma starts to think Mr. Elton likes her not Harriet.
On the way home from the party Mr. Elton confessed his love for Emma and proposed to her, and Emma turned down the proposal.
                During the pages a new plot twist is revealed in the fact that Mr. Elton is in love With Emma and not Harriet. I cannot wait to find out what happens with this new development. If Emma will fall in love with Mr. Elton, or Mr. Elton might still fall in love with Harriet. This book has proven to be a classic and a very enjoyable read. This is a book that every person should read.

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