Thursday, January 13, 2011

Emma pages 59-81

I have just finished reading pages 59-81 in Emma by Jane Austen. A lot has happened during these pages. Emma is still trying to play matchmaker with Mr. Elton and Harriet. While doing so Mr. Elton brings over a poem who he says is done by a friend for the two girls to read. They both think he wrote the poem and that the poem is about Harriet. This takes up most of the 22 pages. At the end Emma’s sister who is married to Mr. John Knightly arrives with her five kids.
                I really like this book so far, and the plot line is coming along. Emma is just like a normal girl trying to get her best friend a boyfriend. Emma believes she will not find true love, but I believe that she will. I can’t wait to read about her sister’s visit.

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