Friday, May 27, 2011

Final Blog

This semester I have read 3012 pages and 9 books. I read mostly popular fiction. I read a lot of Romance novels. I discovered that I really like Catherine Clark's books. I have read two of her novels 3 of her novels this semester and I have just gotten a 4th from the library. I have also discovered a new series I like a lot called the Luxe by Anna Godbersen. I have just finished reading the second book in the series and it was really good. Before this class I would read a lot. I usually tried to read before going to bed. I read a lot of series. The characters are more developed. This summer I plan to read the Pretty Little Liars series. I read because I enjoy reading and getting lost in the story. I usually had no trouble meeting the page quota. It was easy for me to find books I wanted to read. A friend told me to read the immortals series and I tried to but I did not like the story line at all and there were ten books total and I found it hard to want to read the book so I did not stick with those books. All the other books I enjoyed a lot. The story lines where all interesting. I chose what I read mostly from recommendations from friends. Since they have read the books I could talk to them about the book. I am still the same reader I was from the beginning of the semester. I plan to read a lot during the summer because I have a lot more time to read because there would be no homework. I also find that I enjoy poetry more because I understand it better.

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