Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Luxe Pages 275-376

So Will did not acually stay he just wanted to say goodbye to Elizabeth. When Lina realized he left she went to his bedroom but found Elizabeth there and told her she knew her secret and Elizabeth threatend to fire her. When Elizabeth left Lina found a note that Will left for Elizabeth saying he went west and hopes to see her there soon. Also Henry tells Elizabeth that they should move the date of their wedding up and she agrees. Then Lina spills tea on Elizabeth and she gets fired. When she is leaving the house she runs into Penelope who gives her a ride to a hotel and in exchange for a lot of money she tells Penelope about Will and Elizabeth, and uses this information to threaten Elizabeth and tell her to meet her at her house Wednesday mourning. Meanwhile Lina decides she is going to become a society girl and she meets a boy named Tristen who takes her out drinking. She passes out and realizes that her first day out of work did not go as planned.

Okay this book is getting really good. Lina is deluded into thinking that Will will fall for her is she was rich. Penolpe thinks that if she stops the wedding Henry will marry her instead. Well I guess we will find out.

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