Monday, January 31, 2011

Favorite books

My favorite books are part of a series. The first is called the Harry Potter series. I first read the series in 8th grade. I did see a few of the movies before, but the books were so much better. The movies do follow the books well, but there is a lot more information contained in the books. I like this series because it is fantasy. I love reading fantasy. Fantasy can contain a lot of the other genres in it too like mystery, and romance. I also find fantasy books harder to put down when I start reading them.
My second favorite series is the mortal instruments. There are a total of three out right now and there is three to come. This series contains romance and fantasy. There is also a movie in the making for the first book City of Bones. This series contains twists and turns every chapter and I can’t wait for the 4th one to come out.

Evermore pages 130-174

Damon and Ever are now officially girlfriend and boyfriend. Haven’s friend was found dead. Damon and Ever go to a horse racing track and bet on the outcome. They both get lucky and win a lot of money. Riley tells Ever that she has been to Damon’s house and there is only a T.V. and a few other things there. It looks like there is nothing there. Haven and Miles are not talking to each other, and Haven will not answer Ever’s phone calls.
I am so happy that Damon and Ever are together because they seem perfect for each other. I am worried about what happened to Haven’s friend because it might have to do something with Drina. I also think Damon could be a vampire because he drinks this red drink all the time. I also think something happened to Haven because she will not answer Ever’s phone calls, and she has been hanging out with Drina.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Evermore pages 82-129

A lot has happened during these pages.  Drina shows up at the party and her and Haven go to a different party with one of Havens friends. Damon takes Ever to Disneyland, and they spend the whole day there. Also one of Havens friends is missing.
This book is getting better by each page. I wonder why Havens friend is missing, and what is up with Drina. I guess I will have to read more to find out.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Evermore pages 54-81

During these pages I find out that Ever knows all the answers to test and quizzes just by touching the paper. Also Ever is falling in love with Damen, he is starting to hang out with Stacia, one of the popular girls. Later Damen leaves not in art class for Ever, and it only contains a picture of a red tulip. Also Ever and her Aunt are having a Halloween party and Damen shows up uninvited. During the party a physic named Ava shows up and she can see Riley, Evers sister. Also during the party Ever and Damen share a kiss.
This story is very interesting. I want to know why Ava can see Riley, and why did Damen send a note with a picture of a red tulip, because there is a red tulip on the book cover.  I guess I will have to read more to find out.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Evermore pages 1-54

I have just started reading evermore by Alyson Noël. This book is part of a series called the immortals. A few have my friends have said that I should read this book. The book is so far is about a girl named Ever. Her family died in a car crash while she lived. She lives with her Aunt, dad twin sister. She can see people’s auras, and hear their thoughts. As a result she keeps to herself hiding in a baggy sweatshirt. She only has two friends Miles, and Haven. Ever also see and talks with her dead sister. Then there is the new kid at school Damen. The weird thing about Damen is Ever can’t see his aura, or read is thoughts. Also whenever he touches her all the thoughts form people stop.
This book is very interesting so far. I can’t wait to read more to find out why Ever has these powers.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Emma pages 144-171

I have just read 144 to171 in Emma by Jane Austen. During these pages Emma finds out that Mr. Elton in going to marry Miss Hawkins. Emma thinks he has moved on from her and has found someone else. Also Frank comes to town to visit his father Mr. Weston. Frank is kind to everyone, and plans to stay for a while.
                Not much happened during these pages but hopefully things will speed back up here soon.

Supernatural 2

I am still watching Supernatural. There are two episodes every week day. Yesterday I saw part 1 of a two part episode. During this episode Sam is transported to a ghost town with other people who have special abilities like him. The yellow eyed demon has told him that only one will survive this and will become the leader of his army. At the end of the episode only Sam and Jake, who has super strength, are left. Jake kills Sam and runs. Dean shows up right after to find his brother his dead. I know Sam is going to come alive somehow because the series is still airing new episodes, but I don’t know how, and I can’t wait to find out how.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Picture Perfect pages 247-327

I have just finished reading Picture Perfect by Catherine Clark. I was a great ending. Most of the group went by ferry to an island. While there they visited museums and lighthouses. There was a storm coming, and so everybody left but Emily and Spencer because Emily wanted to take pictures and Spencer stayed with her.  They end up getting stuck on the island and have to stay in a hotel run by this weird couple. While there Emily tells Spencer she still likes him, and Spencer ends up telling Emily that he has been in love with her since she told him she liked him a few years ago. When they get back to the beach house Spencer and Emily have a fight because Spencer want to keep this relationship a secret form the parents, but Emily wants to tell them. Later Adam finds a love letter to Emily from Spencer and reads it aloud to everyone. In the letter Spencer apologizes. They make up and everybody was happy for them.
                This was a very good book. I really enjoyed it. I cannot wait to read more books by Catherine Clark.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Picture Perfect pages 179-248

I have just read pages 179 to 246 in Picture Perfect by Catherine Clark. During these pages Emily starts to like Spencer again, and when she tells this to Heather, Heather says Spencer likes her too. She know this by the way he has been acting. Emily doesn’t totally believe her, but she still tries to come up with a plan to ask him out. All her plans did not work though. That is where I left off.
                I really hope Emily and Spencer get together, because they would make the perfect couple. This book has lots of twists and turns, and I can’t wait to read more to find out what is going to happen next.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Picture Perfect pages 96-178

I have just read pages 96 to 178 in Picture Perfect by Catherine Clark. The older kids went on a day trip to a nearby beach. While there Emily sprained her ankle. Later Emily and Heather went to a party next door and Emily forgot her camera. She and Blake went to look for it, and when they found it they looked at the pictures that were taken. Then Spencer walked in on them, and Blake left. Later Emily and her mother went to the grocery store to buy supplies for dinner, and Emily saw Blake there. Blake and Emily also shared their first kiss. That night the older kids went to band concert with the people next door. While there Emily discovers that Blake has a girlfriend. That is where I finished reading.
                This book has many twists and turns. Like the fact that Blake has a girlfriend. I think Spencer does like Emily because he was trying to keep her away from Blake. He is jealous of Blake. Emily does not realize that he is doing the things he is doing because he is jealous, and so Emily thinks he is being rude. I can’t wait to find out if I am correct or not.  

Friday, January 21, 2011

Picture Perfect pages 54-96

I have just read pages 54 to 96 in Picture Perfect by Catherine Clark. In the part I just read they all went to visit a lighthouse and all the older kid are planning on doing a day trio without the adults. Also the boy next door name is Blake. He invited Emily and her friends to a party in a couple of nights.
                This book is very interesting. It reminds me of summer and warm weather. It also sounds like the perfect vacation.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Picture Perfect pages 1-54

I have just started reading Picture Perfect by Catherine Clark yesterday. There are four main characters in this book; Emily, Heather, Spencer, and Adam. The book is from Emily point of view. The four main characters are all kids of former Linden College friends. The four friends get together about every two years to reminisce. Last time this was done Emily told Spencer she liked him and he didn’t respond. When arriving to the beach house they are staying at for two weeks Spencer does not acknowledge what happened last time. Emily thinks he forgot about it. Anyway Emily meets a cute boy next door and borrows his sweatshirt for the evening. That evening the four main characters go to a nearby coffee house to catch up and they all learn that they all might end up at Linden. This is where I left off.
                This book is definitely popular fiction, and is a romance novel. I have read other books by Catherine Clark and enjoyed them all. They are all usually romances. This book so far sounds like an ideal summer vacation, and sounds like it is going to have lots of twists and turns. I believe that Emily and Spencer are going to end up together after a lot of drama of course. I can’t wait to read more in this book.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


                I just went cross country skiing with my friend. This is only my second time going and it was fun. There was plenty of snow for skiing. I have not gone skiing since third grade, but I did okay anyway. I fell a lot, but it was still fun. It was also a workout, and I hope to go again soon.

Emma pages 122-144

I have just finished reading pages 122 – 144 in Emma by Jane Austen. During these pages Emma and Mr. Knightley take about Franks Churchill not coming to visit his father who is Mr. Weston. Later Emma and Harriet visit the Bates. While there they talk about Jane Fairfox who is the niece of Mrs. Bates and she is also an orphan. They say that she is coming to visit for about three months. Emma does not like Jane. I finished reading right when Jane came.
                After reading these pages I am starting to think Mr. Knightley might be in love will Emma. I will have to read more to find out. Frank Churchill will probably come and visit and when he does I think he will fall in love with Jane Fairfox. During these pages I finished volume 1, so that means I am a third of the way through. I cannot wait to find out how this book is going to end.


I have been watching this T.V. series called Supernatural. My friend also watched this T.V. series and has suggested many times that I watch it. Well two weeks ago I did start watching it and found out that I love it. It’s about two brothers, Dean and Sam, who hunt demons. While doing so they lose very important people to them including their Mom and Dad and Sam’s girlfriend. But, they still hunt demons.  Sam has the visions of people being attacked by demons and they also have a connection to the demon that killed his mother. He does not know why he has them.  I cannot wait to find out why he does. If you have ever watched the series Charmed and liked it you will most likely like this series.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Emma pages 81-121

I have just finished reading pages 81 to 121 in Emma by Jane Austen. Starting on page 81 Emma and her father have dinner with Mr. Knightley (Johns Brother). Later Mrs. John Knightley, Emma’s sister, visits with old friend. Next Emma learns her friend Harriet is sick with a cold. Later Emma and her father go to a party at Mr. Weston’s. Where Emma starts to think Mr. Elton likes her not Harriet.
On the way home from the party Mr. Elton confessed his love for Emma and proposed to her, and Emma turned down the proposal.
                During the pages a new plot twist is revealed in the fact that Mr. Elton is in love With Emma and not Harriet. I cannot wait to find out what happens with this new development. If Emma will fall in love with Mr. Elton, or Mr. Elton might still fall in love with Harriet. This book has proven to be a classic and a very enjoyable read. This is a book that every person should read.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Emma pages 59-81

I have just finished reading pages 59-81 in Emma by Jane Austen. A lot has happened during these pages. Emma is still trying to play matchmaker with Mr. Elton and Harriet. While doing so Mr. Elton brings over a poem who he says is done by a friend for the two girls to read. They both think he wrote the poem and that the poem is about Harriet. This takes up most of the 22 pages. At the end Emma’s sister who is married to Mr. John Knightly arrives with her five kids.
                I really like this book so far, and the plot line is coming along. Emma is just like a normal girl trying to get her best friend a boyfriend. Emma believes she will not find true love, but I believe that she will. I can’t wait to read about her sister’s visit.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Emma pages 32-58

I am reading Emma by Jane Austen. I am reading this classic because many colleges recommend that students should have read this book when entering college. In the pages I just read Emma is painting a picture of her new friend Harriet. While doing so Mr. Elton is helping by reading stories. Emma is trying to get Harriet and Mr. Elton to marry each other. After the picture is done Mr. Elton goes to London to buy a frame. Meanwhile Harriet gets a letter from Mr. Martian a local farmer, and the letter contains a marriage proposal but Emma convinces Harriet to refuse the marriage proposal. Then when Harriet leaves Mr. Knightly shows up and he and Emma talk about Mr. Martians marriage proposal. That is where I finished reading.
                When I first decided to read this book I thought it was going to be really hard to read and very boring, but it is not I understand the book and it has a very good story line right now. Emma is trying to play matchmaker while thinking that she herself is immune to love. This is a classic book and I recommend to everybody that it is a good book to read.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I have just finished reading the third book in the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. The third book is called Mockingjay. This book series is a very suspenseful. I could not put the book down. I read the whole series within 2 weeks. I finished the last 200 pages over the weekend. In the pages I read Katniss (the main character) is reunited with Peeta. Peeta is different though because he has been captured and tortured by the Capitol, the government in charge who the characters are trying to overthrow. Katniss is still the face of the rebellion after surviving the Hunger Games twice and plans to kill Snow herself, who is the president. The rebels are attacking the capitol and are about ready to take control when the leader of the rebel Coin decided to send a star troop containing mostly previous Hunger Game winners and Gale, Katniss’s childhood friend. They are separated from the main army and so they decided to go to the Presidents mansion to kill him. There are many twists and turns along the way making it almost impossible to put the book down till the end.
                I found this book series a very good read. The first book introduces you to the characters and the life they live. The second book shows you how the people who oppose the government are so close to revolting in a huge war. The third book tells how the war is resolved. This books series has romance and action. The romance is a love triangle and gets more confusing as the book continues.  The many plot twists were all shocking. I recommend that people read these series because it tells a beautiful story of a girl who must decide if she will be the face of a rebellion that’s been brewing for a long time. These books keep me up for long hours of the night to find out how it was all going end.