Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Luxe Pages 1-32

My friend has wanted me to read this book for forever and so I decided I would. The book takes place in Manhattan in the year 1899. The book opens up with a Proloque where there is the funeral for Elizabeth Holland who is being buried on the day she was supposed to be married. lit social scene. She is also part of Manhattan's eThen chapter 1 starts out in the past in elizabeths view. She is at a party and her mother is making her dance with every eligable person. In Chapter 2 the book switches to Diana's view. She is eliabeths younger sister. She is the troble maker of the two and doesn't do what royalty should do.

So far it is a good book. I wonder who killed Elizabeth.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Banana Splitzville Pages 468-499

I have just finished reading Banana Splitzville by Catherine Clark. Courney went to a new years eve party and she made out with Tom becasue she was drunk and Dave was tehre. As a result Grant was mad at her and would not talk to her. Also later that week Tom told Courney he was stealing all the money and they told the princil of the school and Tom now has to repay all the money and do community service. Now Courney ist he president of student council and in order to throw the big student council party she has to raise money. She enlists her boss's help with selling smoothies and the profit will go towards the party. But she does not raise enough money but her grandparents tell her they will pay the rest. So the party went on. Also Grant started talking to her and they are now dating.

A great book can't wiat to read the sequel Rocky Road Trip and see if Grant and Courtney last.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Banana Splitzville Pages 418-467

Courtney's family got home saftly becasue the stom finaly lifted. Courtney finds out that Beth is dating her brother and they didn't tell her and so now she is mad at Beth. Also the store she works at is onpening up another store where Dave goes to college and her boss is making her work there. Also the studetn council money is going missing and people suspect Courtney becasue she is the newbie. Also Grant invites her to go skiing with him over Christmas break and she says no because of her no dating rule.

Courtney needs to forget about the no dating rule becasue Grant is perfect for her and it is obvious that he really likes her.

Wednesday response 4/27

My favorite blog is Black Coffee because the blog about the awkward childhood photos was pretty cool.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Banana Splitsville Pages 343-417

Courtney won student council and now she has to work with Tom the president of student council who has gone out with every girl in student council. But he ddoes not seem intersted in courney at all and it is making her mad. Also Dave and Courney have been hanging out a lot but theya re not going out and will not becasue apparently Dave has a girlfriend. Courney is mad at him now. Also she is mad at Grant becasue he is friends with Dave and he should have told her about his new girlfriend. Now she is at her grandparents for tahnksgiving and Tom is there too becasue Courtney's familys car was trapped in snow in the blizzard on the way there and Tom saw them and gave them a ride there and had to stay becasue of the bad weather.

I do not see why courtney is still obsessing over Dave becaue he has been mean and rude to her and she desearves better. Also I do not get why she is mad at Grant about Dave having a girlfriend. Anyway I am glad she won student council.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Banana Splitsville Pages 322-342

During thses pages Courney gave her speech for student council and her middle name was revealed which is Von Dragen. As a result everyone was making fun of her. Also Dave sent her a letter telling her he misses her. She deccides to go drive to his colledge but while doing so there isa storm and she can't drive through the storm because it is a bad storm. Her friend Beth thinks it is a sign saying that they should not be together.

I agree that they sould not be together. I also think that despite the fact her speech went badly she will win student council.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Banana Splitsville Pages259-321

Courtney a senior in high school has just been broken up by her long time boyfriend who is attending collage, and told her that long distace realationships do not work. Because of her emotional state Courtney decides to keep a diary which is how that stroy is told. Coyrtney decides to swear off of boys for her senior year becasue apparntly long distaces relationships do not work. She also works at a ice cream shop called Truth or Dariy. She is also a vegan. She does not follow her vegan diet very well sometimes. Already she has eaten two hotdogs because she was upset at her ex-boyfriend Dave. Then there is Grant one of Daves friends who seems to be everywhere Courtney is. Also Courtney has decided to run for vice president for the student council in order to forget about boys.

I think by the end of this book Courtney will not be a Vegan because she has already cheated. I also think that her no boys rule will be broken because that is impossible to keep.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday Response 4/19

The elegant and unique ceramic pots of a kangaroo and an elephant by Allison Thayer emphasizes the creativity and artistic talent it took to complete these art pieces. To create the subjects that she did take a lot of talent, because it is not easy to create a kangaroo or an elephant from clay. The chubby elephant created a beautiful piece of work. The Kangaroo has an excitement with the way the piece was done so well. Overall these two pieces of art are one of a kind and they are both very glamorous. The color was perfect for both of them, because it reflected the color of the actual animal. The shape of the pieces keeps they eye traveling. Both pieces of artwork are very charming.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Maine Squeeze Pages 221-255

During these last few pages Even came over to Collens house is it started storming. It was a really big storm. After the storm the island needed a lot of cleaning up to do so Colleen and her friends helped clean up because Bobb's was closed for the day becasue of the storm. Colleen also realizes that Evan is perfect for right now because she need nothing to serious. Then Colleen' parents call and say they are coming back early. Then Colleen and her friends start cleaning and fixing up the house, and that includes repainting the main bedroom. The book ends with Colleen and Evan going to pick up Colleen's parents at the airport.

Overall it was a great book.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Maine Squeeze Pages 203-220

Colleen discovers tht Evans girlfriend's name is Dahlia. He only just started seeing her. Then Colleen decides to have another party. But it is going to be samller thias time. Ben came to the party and Colleen talked with him but they are not going to get back togeter. Evan also came and Colleen makes out with him.

At least Ben and Colleen are talikng hopefully they will a least be friends. Also Evan might be perfect for Colleen because she is going away to college soon and she doesn't need a serious relationship.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Maine Squeeze Pages 172-202

A lot happened during thses two pages. First Colleen is accused of steating jewelery from a client when Bobb's catered there party. She got upset over it and Even was there and he hugged her and Ben saw it all and ran off before Colleen could talk to him. Then she went home and told haley all about it and she told her that it was all her fault and she did not feel bad for her at all. Then she learns that Blari was the one that stole the stuff and she was fired and packed her stuff and left the island. The Colleen discovers that Evan has a girlfriend.

So basically Ben broke up with Colleen. Her Ex has a girlfriend he did not tell her about. Her best friend hates her. Hopefully Haley can forgive Colleen. I do not think Ben will though becasue Colleen still has feelings for Even.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Maine Squeeze Pages 141-171

Colleen decides to have her aunt and Uncle over for dinner to show them that they cleaned up the house. Then she learns that Betty a local artist broke her hand and can't paint for like 8 weeks and she decides to go visit her. Then her brother Richard comes into town. When he leaves he warns her to be careful about what she wants.

Not much happened during thses pages but Richard was right to warn Colleen to make sure she knows what she want so she doesn't hurt others feelings, becasue she doesn't know wheather Ben or Evan would be perfect for her.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Maine Squeeze Pages 112-140

I was right! Ben forgave Colleen. Then Colleen discovers that Evan is taking Blair to play tennis. She is mad that Blair would consider dating an Ex of hers. Then later taht day Blair throws a huge party which is agianst the rules which makes Colleen evan madder. To make matters wrost Colleen's Aunt and Uncle come and check up on her the day after the party and the house is a mess and some strange guy comes running down the stairs. Her friend makes up a lie saying they clean the house every
Sunday and the guy was a handy man.

I am glad that Ben forgave Colleen because they seem so perfect for each other. I do hope taht Blair and Evan start dating so Colleen can forget about Evan.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Maine Squeeze Pages 70-111

On Friday Colleen and her friends go to book club where they meet by the Landing to look for hot guys getting off of the ferry. Then Colleen decided to tell Ben about Even on her day off from work, so she gets a roundtrip ticket for the ferry. She tells Ben about Even on the way to the mainland, and Ben reacts badly and won’t talk to Colleen. The next day at work Even starts annoying Colleen and she pushes him into the water and he losses a sandal and so Colleen has to pay him back for the shoe. When Colleen gets home she discovers that Blair has painted her parents’ bedroom, which was against the rules and she has to fix it before they get home.

At least Colleen has told Ben about Even and he will probably forgive Colleen soon.

Tuesday Response

Dan Martensen and Shannan Click's home is in the county. There are no other houses in sight. It reminds me of the cabins I stay in when traveling to Tennessee. How they are made out of wood. They have a very homey home. They also have a vegetable garden where they grow a lot of veges. They both seem to enjoy the home a lot, and enjoy living out in the county where there is peace and quiet.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Maine Squeeze Pages 1-69

I just started reading Maine Squeeze by Catherine Clark which is about a girl named Colleen Templeton and her summer on a little island off the coast of Maine. Colleen’s parents are going on a road trip for the summer and Colleen is staying in the house with 3 of her best friends, but on one condition they agree to some basic rules. After her parents leave Colleen goes to pick up her friend Erica, but she has bad news her parents won’t let her stay with Colleen only at her grandparent’s house. Then Sam and Haley, Colleen’s two other friends come over with all their stuff. Then Colleen goes to her first day of work at Bobb’s, a restaurant. Sam and Erica also work there, while Haley works at an Ice Cream Shop called the Landing where the ferry comes in from the mainland, Ben Colleen’s boyfriend works on the ferry. When Colleen goes into Bobb’s she discover her Ex boyfriend Even from last year is working there also. She decides not to tell Ben right away and wait for the right time to tell him. On the second day of work Colleen meets Blair who is new and needs a place to stay and says she can live at her house since she has a second room because Erica couldn’t stay.

I don’t think it is a very good idea to let Blair stay because they do not even know her yet, and I also think that Colleen should Ben about Even before he finds out from someone else.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Shadowland Pages 258-339

I just finished reading Shadowland by Alyson Noel. Ever's frineds find out that Sabine is dating their history teacher. Also Ever plans Miles going away party becasue he is going on a summer tripe. Jude gives Ever the magic book and she shows the twins becasue they can understand it better, but thye realize it is to powerful. Then Ramon shows up at the party with more immortal people he has created. Then leaves with Haven. Ever gets worried but then Jude gets a call from Ava telling him that haven is in troble and Ramon has done something to her. Then Ever sees a tatto on Judes back that symbolizes an immortal. She tells Jude to go away and he listens, and then Ever goes to find Haven and save and on the way she meets up with Damon. When Ever finds Haven she is almost dead and the only way to save her is to make or into an immortgal which she does, but when Haven wakes up she doesn't tell her what she did. Then Damon finally relizes that he is meant to be with Ever and decides not to stay way from her. And he also tells her that Jude is not an immortal he just has a tattoo.

i can't wait to read the next book to find out what happens with haven and Ramon and if Damon can be cured.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Shawdowland Pages 217-257

During these pages Damon tells Ever that Jude's past lives have always been in love with her and she has loved him back but always fell out of love with him when Damon came into the picture. And so Damon decides that he has been interfearing with Ever's future to much and tells her taht he is going to leave her alone the rest of the summer in order for her to make sure she is choosing the right person. Ever does not like this plan at all.

I think Ever is choosing the right guy and Damon is just being an idiot.